The 40th Anniversary conference in 2016 was supported by the following organisations:
- Breaking The Frame
- Campaign Against Arms Trade
- Campaign Against Climate Change (Million Climate Jobs Campaign)
- Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- Conference of Socialist Economists
- Fellowship of Reconciliation
- The Green Party
- PCS (Public and Commercial Services Union)
- Left Unity
- MedAct
- Momentum
- Newcastle Upon Tyne Trades Union Council
- Red Pepper magazine
- Quaker Peace and Social Witness
- Scientists for Global Responsibility
- Walsall TUC
- War on Want
- Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council
If you are able to support the ongoing work we are doing around arms conversion / conversion of harmful industries to socially useful production, inspired by the bottom-up self organisation of the Lucas Factory workers, please get in touch with us at